Kids Korner Gift Shoppes - Where children have been learning the job of giving since 1989 -- Over 25,000,000 children served.

Our founders were past Local and Council PTA Presidents and I am

Right here in Southern Illinois -  ready to Serve You!

Text 618-751-0207 with

your name, your group's name

and city & state for FREE

samples & more information.

Kids' Korner Gift Shoppes®

program is so good we Dare Compare . . .


Shopping for the best Holiday Shop available?


If so, please print out the form below and compare us to the competition.   We, at Kids' Korner®, believe you will not find any supplier who offers you better quality, better prices, better service, or as many marketing aids as we do.  We have spent almost 30 years making sure you and your kids' receive the very best.  Plus, we have over 60 local independent family owned distributors available to help you.


Click here to request information for your board meeting.

Need more information right away?  --  Don't wait call (618) 751-0207